Sunday, August 24, 2008

Type II Diabetes & Liver Disease...It Just Makes Sense

Investigating the reason for liver disease and T-II diabetes, I came across some interesting facts.

It seems that people with liver disease also have a very strong chance of T-II diabetes, and people with diabetes have the same chance of developing liver disease. Also, this form of diabetes can damage just about any organ in the body, from the eyes to the kidneys and anything in between; including the heart and lungs.

My research has led me to a very simple fact. The body as a whole needs the individual member to function properly in order for the balance of the members to function in like kind. Common sense would tell one that if one member was ill, this illness would in turn stress the other members, which if left unchecked, would invariably cause widespread disease.

My new philosophy is quite simple and not very original. As the adage goes, “eat to live”, and not, “live to eat.”
As I age, my body is in the process of breaking down, and is doing a fine job of it all by itself. I really don’t need to help it along by adding stress. Especially when it’s a matter of consumption based of nothing more than taste and addiction.

Like I mentioned earlier, besides the health issues I brought upon myself, I was paying good money for totally preventable illness. Soda is not cheap when compared to filtered tap water, and when I broke my addiction to sugar, the need for it subsided.

My father once talked to me about moderation…go figure.

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