Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sometimes I laugh

It has been quite an adventure since my last posting.

Will give you the sort run down of it all.

Finally got my back-pay from disability. Was a fairly good sized check, but not as good in size as my bills. I was happy to find out that I have received a $35.00 cost of living raise even before I saw any of it.

I also saw some improvement in my condition with some of the new meds my doc. had prescribed. A lot of the sensitivity to touch, smell, and taste had been controlled; to my delight. Even think that maybe some of the pain was taken away as well.

On the other side of the stick, I went to the doc. last week for my check-up and reported all this to him, and I think he was ok with it (kinda hard to discern what my doc. thinks....he's not the most personable person you might hit if you threw a rock into a crowd). On my way out he wanted me to have some lab-work done just to make sure all was ok, which I did.
Later on that evening, his good nurse Linda called...."your enzyme levels are way out of wack ... the meds are messing with your liver...quit taking the meds.!"

These particular meds she was telling me about are of the caliber that I had to carefully build up to the level I am at, and that I should never ever miss a single dose. Very potent and very addictive. Now it took two month's to get to this point and now they just tell me to quit...

So now I write to you as a person who shakes, skips, and seems to have developed a few new character wrinkles (ticks & quirks) for the time being. All the sensitivities are coming right back!

Here's the kicker! I did a search on this medicine and it has been taken off the market in Canada and I am finding all sorts of information on Liver damage from it, as well as, a plethora of class action law suits I could join, if only I was a friendly neighbor from up north.......

Only my life...

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