Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm Going Native!

We, and I assume many of you, watched the election results roll in tonight with much excitement and anxiety. As is always the case, the electoral votes waxed for one candidate and waned for the other. I voted the waning ticket and I was disappointed. But, I've got a new President-Elect, and being an American, I am obliged to accept him as such. I'll get in line.
A couple of things really stuck out tonight to me.
First, Sen. McCain gave one of the most bipartisan and gracious concession speeches I have ever heard. He didn't go on about anything but acceptance of OUR choice. He urged us to support his opponent and congratulated him in his win. No bitterness and no anger. What I saw tonight was a true gentleman and an honorable statesman.
I do fear we made the wrong choice, and that is my birthright as an American to hold this opinion. I pray that President-Elect Obama proves to be a wise and righteous leader. If he doesn't be the President we need, I know where the fault will lie. Squarely on the shoulder's of George W. Bush.
Think about it.
  • Iraq....George W. Bush.
  • Flopping economy....George W. Bush
  • Hurricane Katrina....George W. Bush (he should have diverted that nasty storm)
  • Iraq....George W. Bush
  • Everyone in the world hates us....George W. Bush
  • High gas prices....George W. Bush
  • Fuel pump went out on my van....George W. Bush
  • Global warming....George W. Bush
  • My chainsaw quit running....George W. Bush
  • Iraq....George W. Bush
  • I caught Type II diabetes....George W. Bush
  • Someone in the military got killed....George W. Bush (no disrespect meant...serious)
  • Wal-Mart ran out of bell pepper's....George W. Bush
If something (anything) went wrong in the last eight year's, it was George's work. Talk about one seriously powerful dude.
Back on point, the second thing that stuck out was the African American vote. While scanning the different network's, one comment made by many African Americans was one of pride for an African American being president. It would seem that for many, it was the man's race that was up for election, and not the man himself. Not all, but many insinuated that this was the case. If this is right, we may be in big trouble. I honestly do pray that Barak surrounds himself with truly wise people and is man enough to listen.
Likewise, I know that many "white" people wouldn't vote for Barak due to the fact that he is not fully white. This is just as bad. Vote for the RIGHT American...whomever they may be. Here we are in the 21st century and race/gender still plays such a role. Look at who they are and what they have done in life, then vote. What is wrong with us?
Now, based on what I've seen, I have decided to claim my heritage to advantage. I've been pondering going into public service and now believe it to be the right direction to move toward. Unlike Barak Obama, I'm not half white, but more along the lines of one quarter white. The rest of my blood runs Native (Cherokee). That's right! I can lay a large claim to what most of you white people who through inheritance, have stolen from my inheritance. Therefore, I am not among the majority and I believe it due time for me to finally advance my particular ethnic brethren.
Until tonight, I have honestly held a race neutral view of myself and my fellow citizens. We were all simply American. I have to blame this on my father; a fine and honorable man he was. I remember once asking him why he wouldn't even try to assure our name on the Indian role. He explained that while he was proud of our heritage, that it was the United States of America that held his military service. He also explained that he wanted no advantage over any of his neighbors. We were simply Americans. Honestly, are we not all native Americans?
I've also been disturbed by the many interview's I've seen on the news in recent weeks. There has seemed to be a directive to get out and see what the African American thinks...almost to exclusion. What about what I think? Are we living in such an unenlightened time that a Native American could not hold an opinion on their potential President? Does my blood make me unworthy while the blood of another is more worthy? Lord, let me be wrong and let us all have enough integrity to pray for our new leader's.
The future (2012),
President G. Redneck (remember my name)


Jerri Dalrymple said...

I think I can remember that name, LOL! :0) Well said, well written. I agree with you entirely and hope and pray now for our future leaders and for the protection of our rights as Christians.

Gimped Redneck said...

We need to be vigilant in communication our needs with our elected representative's.

We elected them and it is up to us to hold their feet to the fire.

The president is limited to what he can do by us...the question is, will we now do our part and participate in the governing process?