It is finally final! The United States has re-elected President George W. Bush to another 4 year term of leading us into the future.
I have spent some time reading various views from around the world. From the concensus I find, Europeans believe George Bush to be a bully who refuses to consider the desire of the world. He has refused to follow the wishes of the U.N. and ran rough shod all over the middle east.
My response:
By a margin of over 3.5 million votes, the citizens of the United States of America has chosen to support and follow President George W. Bush as he leads us in the affairs of state and world. Remember it is we who have chosen him.. Yes he was ambitious enough to run for the office, but we chose him.
As far as the U.N. goes.....we by all rights own it! Just go check out the debt owed by the U.N.. You will find that the United Nations, as an institution, owes more money to the U.S. than any other nation in the world. The U.S. also is the single strongest member in regards to military might. If something goes bad and the U.N. gets organized enough to actually take military action, the U.S. would be the single nation to sacrifice the largest number of it's citizens to any effort that might be required.
I truly hope that the U.S. and Israel both, choose not to take any action in Iran in regards to their nuclear undertakings. It is time that the middle east and europe stands up to the bully's in their own back yard. They don't want us there anyway......I think it is time for the rest of the world to stand up and make their own way. If for some reason the U.S. cut off trade with the world, who would suffer the most? We have the resources to produce all we need withing our own borders. Does the world have a market outside the U.S. for all it produces?
What would happen if the U.S. pulled out of alliances with the rest of the world? Israel would be lucky if it lasted a month. Iraq and North Korea would start flexing their nuclear muscle, and Europe would be shaken as it raced to fill the void left by the U.S.'s withdrawal.
The world economy would quickly have to realign itself as well. Once the U.S. got over the shock of an all inclusive economy, it would do well as both manufacturing and market would reside within it's own borders. From the loss of trade and relief funding, the world would be desperate to replace the income that was once provided by the U.S. market.
The oil market would skyrocket both for the U.S. and the world, but the U.S. does have enough to maintain itself until alternative fuels could be developed. Could the nations who have no oil reserves to tap into, survive the inflation that would come?
Third world nation receiving relief in food and money would suddenly have to look to Europe and Asia for sustenance. Would they find it, and even if the world nations were willing, could they replace the efforts of the U.S. to any degree of success as is the case now?
It would seem that the world has taken to the belief that world peace will work if given a chance. I say, let us protect our shores and let the world protect their's, as it seems like that is what the world wants us to do anyway. The U.S. could and would survive and prosper as any nation with both the resources and will as we have, could.
I think a review of history would show some wisdom that desperately needs to be recalled.
England, who seems to be very outspoken against the U.S. and our foreign policy, who was it during WWII that came to your aid when confronted with attacks upon your soil. You had wonderful leadership, but not the might to win. Even before Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was busy sending you the munitions and equipement needed to protect yourself from invasion. Your nation is one rich in history and honor....look to your heritage!
France? I dismiss your opinion all together. Your history is not all that noble in the first place. Not since Napolean Bonepart, have you been a nation of any impact or regard. While you have engaged in many wars throughout history, you have never won a single war that you have won. It is you and your allies who brought on WWII in the first place. There is a strong possibility that had you and your european allies not been so severe in punishing Germany after their defeat. Where was your compassion for your defeated foe then? Germany suffered severely and it was through this unjust suffering that a man such as Hitler was able to come into power. Do you not remember that it was you that tried to have relations with Hitler, but found yourself an occupied nation anyway. The only effort you were able to put forth was in your underground efforts, which I do applaud!
And yes France, we still appreciate your blockade that helped us trap Cornwallis, which allowed our independance.
. above all should understand the need to keep a world peaceful, even if it is through the use of military action. You have seen the results of unfair treatment after defeat, and you have seen the results of attempts of failed domination. You above everyone else should understand the importance of keeping those with desires of domination through violence in check. You a nation of such ingenuity and technical comprehension, are truly a leader and it is you who has the ability to be a global officer of peace, even if it is through the role of a policeman. It is also you, who during WWII, saw the U.S. treat the German captives, in humane and generous manner, while your then government set up concentration camps of death and torture. Have you learned nothing? We are not out to control anybody, but rather protect our own first and the world second. Should any nation not do the same?
Germany, you have such potential. Your determination and wisdom as gained through history, should place you into a natural role of world leader. You are much more than you can ever imagine.
The Middle East- Before the market of oil, you were made up of tribes who mostly fought among yourselves. You had no world power and it is only through the discovery of oil under you sand, that you have come into any power. You surely know that the U.S. has invested in your past and your future. You have something to market, and it is the U.S. who helped you attain it. As you have developed into independant nations, need to invest in your neighbors, as well as, control those who offer up a threat to the world.
You are one of the richest nations in the world, yet you call on the U.S. for support. You also play the game of fostering terroristic activity against the ones you also call customer? You want our business, yet you don't want our participation in your part of the world? Remember, it was people from your nations who attacked the U.S. . It is also the U.S. who was responsible for removing a monsterous leader from your sister nation of Iraq. The monster who for pleasure, tortured and murdered his own citizens....your brethren in belief and blood. How is it that you allowed such a person to do what he has done to your people? How was it that you did not see what Saddam Hussein was doing to your family? Maybe you just never watched the news reports from around the world concerning him for the last 10 years? How was it that the U.S. and her allies had to be the ones to push this monster out of Kuwait, another of your sister nations and kin?
How is it that you have allowed someone to cause the rest of the world to view anyone of your belief and heritage with suspect. Osama binLaden has accepted responsibility for the attack on the world trade center, and yet he rallies more to his cause under the banner of your religion. What are we to reasonably assume? Once again, he is attacking your customer and supporter. Why is it that you have not taken him to task for what he has done to your international reputation? It is becoming very obvious to the world that your only interest in the world is for profit. You have no good works to boast of, and you are seen for what you really oil cartel. You with all your resources are set to be the good neighbor and leader that the world, and most desperately, the middle east needs. Where are you? You are seen as a nation of two citizens. The few rich, and the many poor. If you would wake up and police your own part of the world, would there be any need for intervention from outside? If you won't take action against evil, someone will.....
It is true that the U.S. is still in it's infancy historically. We have missed the whole process of having monarches, dictators, inquisitions, and so much more that could be explored, but, you the world must remember one thing. The United States is a direct result of your efforts at world conquest. We are your child. It is you who moved on an already populated continent and brought "us" into "your" game. It is you who fought amongst yourselves to control us, and you who in the end, lost us to ourselves for lack of a higher vision.
This nation that you are holding in contempt is made up of it's natural population and your cast off's, along with your best. It was the thought's and dreams of people like Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot, Hume, Smith and so many more who gave birth to this nation. We are no more that the collective ideas coupled with the desperate needs of those you oppressed. We are a nation made up of all the races and families of the world that has served well in resources, and been a safe haven to any who needed a home. We have fought with you, and alongside you. We come from enslavement, and have enslaved, yet together we grow through our pride and disgrace. We are not to pround to admit our wrongs, and we are not so fearful as to turn a blind eye to those in need. This nation, still in it's youth, in comparison to you, has grown to be the strongest the world has to offer, and it is you who enabled and fed it. Could it be that the U.S., your prodigy, is exactly what you have molded it to be?
It is worth noting that President Bush was elected into office by the majority of American citizens. While almost half of our populace is not happy with who we have chosen, we are still united under the institution of the Office of the Presidency, and as illustrated, when attacked, we will stand as one! You might also remember that the U.S. has never in it's history needed you for defence, but rather, it is you, the nations of the world, who have repeatedly called upon and received support from us. It is you the free nations of the world, who's soil will always bear the stain of the sacrificial blood of the son's of America.
You the world, are also casting a mocking and dishonorable glance at "our" war on terror. Do you really want us to just give it up and go home? If so, then the solution is easy. Take the nations who harbor terrorists to task. Cut off relations with them, cut off trade, level sanctions, take police action against inhumanity, and make it crystal clear that terror will only serve to isolate and disable them in the world community. It's that easy. Don't play ball with them, and they will come around. If you really want will make it happen, plain and simple.
Unlike many of you, we are a nation who besides the military might, has a population who is armed and could defend itself from attack, and you might think twice before alienating the one who historically and presently has the ability to protect you in the event of future attacks. It would seem that the U.S. has learned a valuable lesson in regards to national alliances. If the world can benefit, then we are their allies. If the U.S. though calls on the allies, then they shuffle and whine their way out of any responsibility. I only hope the U.S. can see just how the world deals with responsibility and duty.
That's enough rambling for this redneck
If you want to be RIGHT!