Monday, August 30, 2004

Pondering School...

Once again, it is time to get back into the school mode. Not just for our children who are homeschooled, but for myself as well.

It seems that every day we are receiving packages in the mail containing the curriculum for the kids, and they are quite excited! They do enjoy their education. I myself, on the other hand, am becoming frustrated with the tasks placed before me.

I have gone to the campus bookstore and purchased everything I have needed. Then have returned to return what they sold me that was not necessary. This case was really no one's fault, just happened. Now I find myself having to go back once again to exchange my algebra text bundle as I was sold the one for the "in-class" course and not "online". In all this I am falling behind in the class.

What really gets me is the fact that I am a middle age man who knows what he wants out of life, but am having to take classes such as this in order to gain the degree I want. Not to say that Algebra is not important, as I have had to fall back on it on many occasions, but it is totally unrelated to my current direction.

Direction? Yes I do have a direction! I am seeking double major's in both communications and history. I love them both, and am yet to find a relationship between math, biology, or philosophy, and most especially introduction to computers! Math....well I have been involved in corporate finance and planning, built extremely intricate spreadsheets and such for some of the world's largest corporations, and can figure my checkbook just fine! Biology, to be honest, I can eat just fine, my eyes and ears work, know where babies come from, and am quite content with what I know in this area. Philosophy? Everybody has one, and only a fool will not take the time to study and understand those of their neighbors on their own. And finally, the computer......not even going to touch that one!

Back to my direction...My intentions are to get a Masters in Communication and a doctorate in History. I love history, love reading it, talking about it, and just pondering history and it's impact on both the past and the future occupies much of my thoughts and always have. I want to read, teach, and write history! As far as communications go, I love the fact that so much can be given through the conduit of communication, and I intend to be as proficient in it as I can possibly be.

Here's the point of my gripe session. Why am I being forced to take so many classes at my age that are not related to my intended outcome? Time and Money are two very important things at this stage in my life. Got the wife and a pile of kids to feed and tend too, and they are both very valuable to me at the present.

Would love to see the American education system learn to survey the needs of those who are paying their way...

Enough griping for probably have much more to gripe about later!

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