Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Day of the Attorney

I woke around 8:30 this morning, but it took me until 9:45 to be able to get out of bed.

Showered, Pam got the kids ready and we went to town.
Post office, attorney, bank, bank, Wal-mart Pharmacy.

At the attorney, I found out how I needed to dress and what I needed to bring. Believe it or not, this is the first time I have met my attorney, but was impressed!
I've got to come up with past and present letters of Reference, so think that will be no big deal. Also need academic transcript, pharmacy records, Letter of qualification from Arkansas Rehab Services, and anything else I might find pertinent.

Am having much trouble with short term memory and sleep. Up all night due to pain, then fall asleep for an hour or so during prime family time. This is really disrupting life..........

The pain was moderate today...Tolerable with meds, but no fun!

Our debt seems to be compounding daily and not sure how long we can hold on. Really need disability to come through, but even with that, finances will be very tough.

We drove by a couple of houses that would be so perfect....Want to get one of them in particular, and would if not for the lack of resources. It had enough room for our family and even had a basement, which we really would like. It is hard to cope with the realization of having what one desperately needs, is very much in view, and always just out of reach.

It is becoming very hard to keep Pam out of depression, and I wonder about myself much also. I really don't know where I am standing mentally...Very tired. I used to have so much hope, anticipation, and drive. Now I have despair, depression, and confusion. Fighting hard to regain hope... The hearing is set for June 10!

It seems like life started and ended before we really got into the game. Am praying for a fair start again.

Lord deliver us!

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