Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Visit to the Dentist...
Will post more later if I get to feeling better
Monday, December 27, 2004
Christmas Adventures
- Christmas Eve was the good wife's happy birthday! Went pretty well. Her Father came down to celebrate the birthday with us and exchange Christmas presents. All went well to a point. While eating, I broke one of my teeth on a stupid chip! Talk about bad fortune....That kinda put an end to the good eats for me. Wife and kids really enjoyed the birthday/Christmas present exchange!
- Watched a few movies before going to bed.
- Woke early Christmas morning with a belly ache attacking daughter #2.
- Back to bed after remedied
- Woke later (still early) to celebrate Christmas with the kids...
- Presents opened and wrapping paper all over the place! (the packaging on toys is simply ridiculous! Wire, tape and stitching to keep a doll or toy car in place. It seemed like it took half the morning just to open/liberate all the toys.
- Made waffles with my new waffle iron
- Niece comes over for an exchange...a very quick exchange!
- Brother and family come over to visit.
- Load family and niece in van and head to Oklahoma to see "Christmas with the Kranks". The theatre is a very old building with only one screen and no lobby. You pay for tickets at the window, walk through the concession aisle and directly into the theatre. This theatre was built in the 1940's and show's it.
- At the theatre, twenty minutes into the show, our two year old daughter decides she wants to entertain everyone trying to watch the move...We two end up waiting in the van as everyone finishes the movie. Talk about cold.....
- On the way home we stop by Bulltaco and Chrystal's home and leave some presents on the door (not home), and continue home.
- At home I mess with some wax trying to temporarily "fix" my tooth with a good deal of success! Will work until I can get to the dentist.
- We watch some more movies, fall to sleep in the recliners and finally head off to bed as Christmas has passed.
All and all it was a very good Christmas. The good wife and I received very much joy from watching the children. Very good indeed.
Want to know what we got?????? Ok!
I got some clothes, a cool reading stand with built in lamp, a waffle iron, toaster, wooden box, and many books (I love the books)! I also got a blanket...the good neice gave everyone in our family a blanket...a really cool idea, or I should say, "Warm" idea!
My wife got books (some duplicates), a family ring, stove, entertainment center, a blanket and other small stuff.
The kids got a limited amount of toys and clothes along with some blankets(the kids really appreciate stuff like that for some reason).
Not a very rich Christmas in regards to gifts, but a most splendid and appreciated one in heart and spirit! The gift count was low and very practical, and it seemed that it was somehow better than previous holiday's where we spent much on presents...with the exception of a few toys, everything we purchased and received was something that was needed...I like it that way!
Now if I can get the tooth taken care of fairly quick and without too much expense....
Be Right
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Bah humbug.......Brown Christmas
As our local weatherman gave the forecast, he relayed that we should expect temps of possibly going down to (-0)! Now that is COLD! I've never experienced negative zero temps before! Think about it....lol....Actually it got down to 3 degrees here and has now warmed up to 10! We have a wind chill of -10. Pretty frigid!
I did manage to get the firewood just in time and did it ever work out good. Electric heat is ok, but nothing beats a real fire.
On a bad note, we did get some slick roads, but South of here the roads were so bad that the police were asking people to not call if the event of an accident if no one was hurt. The concensus was that if you were going to be out in it, you would be in an accident.
Be Right!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
White Christmas and Waffles...
Friday, December 17, 2004
Remembering the Fight...
In this, I have decided to write a primer for the person needing disability benefits, with an emphasis of moving the process along in a timely manner, which seems contrary to social security dogma. In this whole thing, I have learned so many ways that I could have expedited the whole experience and have decided to put up a site that is essentially a questionaire for those who have succeded in the process, and also a guide for those still in the process. If you are remotely familiar, or just curious, check out my site http://www.enabled.blogspot.com .
If you want to be right.......then DO RIGHT!
I Pay My Share!
You know, I am an American and I do believe in paying my taxes! I do not cheat on my returns and go strictly by the books because I do believe that as an American, I am obligated to do so in order to keep my freedom. It is nothing less than my part.
On the other hand, my taxes go to support public schools which are failing miserably so we homeschool. That's right! We homeschool and still pay taxes in for the public school....Do we receive any tax credit for not adding to the tax system's list of beneficiaries? No....We are Americans and we pay our share. While discussing the public school system, it is important to know that anyone who utilizes them, is basically on Welfare! The public school child is being given an education by the taxes collected from the citizens, you and me.I also am paying an "artist" to mold manure or pose nude for all the world to see...Did we ask to see this....No, but we did pay for it! Was there a national campaign conducted among the "tax-payers", not "tax-cheaters", which would allow us to choose our selection of the artist that should be funded? That's ok though, it is all part of me being a citizen in good standing.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Another Semester Bites the Dust
Biology - A
American History - A
Art Appreciation - A
Algebra - ?
The algebra score has me wondering.....it will be close. I really do not understand how a person pursuing a degree in the "arts" is required to take classes that are geared towards the "sciences"? My GPA would be much greater if it were not for the "science" classes I have to take. My majors are in communications and history.....not finance, engineering or medicine.
Maybe someone will realize that the cold war is over and we are no longer in competition with the Soviets. It is only when we began the integrated approach to education that we saw our placement scores in the world drop. What's wrong with students specializing in their choice of degree plans without having to fail in a class that is not related to their final degree plan?
Take art appreciation....please......While I did enjoy it, and I did learn much about the world of art, I would have gladly foregone it for say, and advanced communications or history class! It is nice to know the information gained, and now I speak with some small degree of intelligence when visiting an art gallery, but, I really have no great intents of visiting art galleries in rural Arkansas! Furthermore, this class and others like it ensure that I will spend at the least, another full year in the business of college as a consumer, all the while moving me further away from my pursuits. Makes sense.....require useless classes and increase consumer debt. Institution has higher revenues, book sales increase....and the student pays......smart!
Well, must run errands (the girls are getting new glasses and are so excited) and such.
If you want to be right.....you must DO Right!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Healthy Body....Sick Parts?......
I am giving much thought to what I will call the "Commercial Church." I see more and more energy and resource being spent on sanctuary and recreation than on the "mission" of Christ. Maybe I am a little out of touch with today's culture, and if so, am glad of it!
In inspecting today's popular church, one will find architectural wonders laced with gymnasiums and daycare centers to keep the "little ones" from spoiling the inspired message, which is usually one of implorement to an image of submission, and not mission itself.
Jesus Christ, the inspiration and model of the Christian life is not what I find in representation and effort, regardless of the "message" being given. In most cases, the congregation will receive "building" progress reports, bank loan statements, or inf0rmation on the latest activites of various ministeries, which usually are self serving in nature.
What would I prefer to hear along with the message of Christ? A call to vigilance in the daily walk with Christ. Address the issues Christ addressed! Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned! All this without reservation or judgement. The Message of Christ is not a message of building a physical structure, or the cultivation of "special" groups, but rather a message of service in the world in which one finds themselves. What many seem to conclude when Christ said, "go ye into all the world," is that their missionary efforts are to support the missionaries in foreign lands. I would rather believe that Christ would rather you forego efforts in the larger world if you have to step over and around the needs of those within your own communal world. Where do we get the belief that just dropping a few dollars into a collection plate should be the constitution of our efforts? Where is the effort in that? We are putting our faith and works into an effort that is outside our own personal world when we could make an immediate impact right where we live.
Another problem I have with the commercial church is in the show of pride of "ownership" of the structure when the body of believers who financed it are up to their eyeball's in personal debt. Yes it is good to own what you possess, but at the cost of financial burden to the congregation? I have been to churches where the "mission" or "vision" of a new gymnasium is put before the needs of the body of believers. While sitting in church, the guilt of not contributing is so strongly broadcast, that the patron feels euphoric at finally taking the leap of faith and contributing to such a noble effort. Once back home, this person either has to pay their bills with a credit card, or pray for financial replenishment. How can this be right?
Sometimes I ponder what Christ would do....he did after all tell us how noble the woman who gave her last two mites was. It was all she had, but it also seems obvious that her sacrifice was personal, and, that it was of her own volition. She would be the only one to suffer and in this, she was uplifted. I wonder what the story would have been if the two mites were actually owed to a neighbor or merchant who she had promised to repay as soon as she could? Would it actually be her money to give? Would Jesus commend her for breaking her vow of repayment or possibly causing burden to those who entrusted her with the loan in the first place?
In my perfect little world, my vision of the church is this:
- To the true believer, the physical structure is of little consequence to their faith, walk, and ministry.
- In communion with the saints, the true believer will meet at a public building, tent, field, or home of others of like mind.
- The leadership organization will be set up in such a way as to literally care for the church members.
- The leadership will teach all members to be missionaries right where they are.
- This church will grow through a ministry to the community.
- The Christian church will not operate in the theatre of debt, either personal or as a group.
- The Christian church is to be a spiritual sanctuary for the worship of Christ and the uplifting and encouragement of the body, not an added tax.
I personally believe the money-changers have reentered the temple, and it is time to run them out! I have to wonder what would happen if the body of believers as a whole became concerned with the individual? What would be the outcome if the church turned its financial focus toward the individual member. What if the church worked with the individual to ease financial stress? Would this member not then be freed to focus on the ministry of Christ? With the final end of a financially liberated church, the needs of the community could be addressed in real terms.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to read of the activities of a house building crew that had finished rebuilding the home of someone who had just suffered loss through a fire? Maybe how the medical needs of someone in dire straits were met by this same group? Maybe how a member changed their schedule to include time with a newly widowed person in setting affairs in order? Would this church not see growth and increase just as the individual members experienced.
It is true that it would initially depend on the few who were enabled, to see such an impact in realization, but to that believer who is entrusted, much is also required. Christ says to the rich, "sell what you have, give it to the poor, and follow me." It would take the person who has be entrusted with much, great faith and a heart of servitude to actually do what is instruced. The whole point here is this: if one truly follows Christ, then they also have the attitude that God is the ultimate owner of all that is, and this includes money! If God has indeed entrusted you with wealth, then what is the expectation he holds for you? Are you not entrusted by God to be a leader and enabler of his children? You the wealthy, have a mighty appointment, and I trust you do not want to be put through an audit conducted by God. You the poor also have the responsibility of being accountable and trustworthy of what you have received. Not all will be rich, but not all have to be poor
One reservation that might pop up is the fact that not all will work wisely with money that is entrusted them. My response is that it is up to the Holy Spirit to lead all to better works, and in this, you are entrusting "them" just as God has entrusted you, and in turn, it is God through you, who is entrusting them, and God will be their judge, not you!
I have to wonder what the outcome would be if we all asked ourselves, "am I being wise with what I have been entrusted?"
My last thought.....The body can only be as healthy and effective as the individual parts which make up the whole.
If you want to be right....then DO RIGHT!
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Today has proven to be so very tough so far....between the fibro and the mental fog....nothing is making sense...